Monday, January 04, 2016


We know that Wikipedia is a pool of information in which you can dig out as much as information you are looking out for.There are some information on Wikipedia you search just to go through that content but there are some information on Wikipedia which may sometime comes in need when you don't have internet and you just start thinking, remembering, scratching your head out and you come out with nothing. Students also search for many information for their high school projects and Wikipedia is like a lord Rama coming in their dream and helping out them to complete their projects. But if some time it may happen students searching for some information and they start doing their copy and paste process from Wikipedia and suddenly internet connections shuts down due to some reasons like server goes down. So as to avoid these kind of problems Wikipedia gives you a  freedom to download whole page content in PDF format so that one can get the information even if you are offline, lets go through how is that possible.

As you can see in above image of Wikipedia page there is option shows "Download as PDF" which is red rounded which you can find in the left side column of Wikipedia page after you search for any information.
After Clicking on that option it will take you to another page which will be like this

In the above image you can again see the red rounded link which shows "Download the file" click on that link and your browser will open PDF page as it shown in below image.

Now you can see red arrow which pointing towards the save icon click on that and your download will start.

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